
Friday, September 2, 2016


What it means to be an androgynous model and how to dress the part best for you

X Androgyny X

The openness and greater acceptance has become a new trend on it's own, although there is a lot more to conquer on this long bumpy path we started with our single step. I do not mean to belittle a single person by calling a part of their life a trend because being who you truly are lasts a lifetime and brings a happiness that can not be recreated. But in the fashion world a trend is the word that is used to describe a change and a new mass following. Although it may not be the best word to use in this instance it is the only one that comes to mind and I am content with it because a group of loving people changing their ways and constantly allowing newcomers is better than a complete isolation of a group. No change. No gain.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Le Tour D'Eiffel

K-dujour goes to Paris!!
X Paris Day 1 X

I recently just came back from a month away in Europe, my first stop being the city of love. I too had the cliché little girl dream of going to Paris and experiencing it in person surely did not disappoint. Since I have an insane amount of pictures from my trip and have such a difficult time narrowing it down, I figured I would split my pictures up into separate days. The first day I was there was the infamous, Le Tour D'Eiffel. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The New Classic

The classic youtuber outfit, nice top, pajama bottoms. Although I don't speak from that perspective I do find myself 'dolling' up for the public even if I am just leaving my house for 10 minutes.